Space Sustainability Issues Highlighted at European Space Week
Thursday, December 5, 2019
SWF Director of Private Sector Programs Ian Christensen spoke on a plenary panel at the 2019 European Space Week in Helsinki, Finland. The panel, entitled "Sustainable Space: Saving Space for Future Generations" discussed the challenges facing the sustainable use of space and collaboration efforts under way to address those challenges. Mr. Christensen's remarks focused on the role on industry best practices for responsible space operations, and highlighted SWF's involvement in efforts such as the Space Safety Coalition and the Consortium for Execution of Rendezvous and Servicing Operations (CONFERS). The United Nations Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities were also discussed.
Other panelists included: Pascal Faucher, Chair of the EU Consortium of Member States on Space Surveillance and Tracking; Natália Archinard, Deputy Head of the Education, Science, Transport and Space Section, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland; Holger Krag, Head of the Space Safety Programme Office, European Space Agency; and Roope Takala, CEO, Aurora Propulsion Technologies Ltd. The discussion was moderated by Jenni Tapio, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland. The European Space Week is organized each year in the country of the European Union Presidency and focuses on the European Union’s Space Programmes.