The Brussels Space Policy Round Table - The Future of GMES

When: Friday, February 17, 2012

Where: Avenue des Arts 8, 1210 Brussels (building of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

On 29 June 2011, the European Commission presented its proposal for the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) corresponding to the period 2014-2020 (Communication "A Budget for Europe 2020"). This proposal serves as a basis for the negotiations that are going to take place in the months to come in view of the adoption of the final multiannual financial framework. Annual EU budgets shall comply with the MFF laid down in unanimously adopted Council Regulation with consent of the European Parliament.

Within this document, the European Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme appears under section 5.8.2. "Large scale projects", where the Commission proposes to foresee the funding of the GMES programme outside the multiannual financial framework after 2014. This is also reflected in the summary table provided on page 6 of the Commission's proposal, where GMES appears outside the MFF, with a total budget of 5 841 million euro over the entire period (this represents 834 million euro per year).  The Commission is proposing to move outside the EU budget 5.8 billion euro of funding for the GMES.

Please join the Secure World Foundation to participate in a panel discussion titled: The Future of GMES, as the part of the SWF's Brussels Space Policy Round Table series of short panel discussions focused on significant global space events with a particular emphasis on Europe. The schedule of these events is driven by the important occurrences in the space sector. This event will focus on the GMES program. It will examine its current status, challenges, and future opportunities. In addition the general relevance/importance of GMES will be discussed.

Speakers Include:

Josef Aschbacher,  Head of ESA GMES Space Office, ESA - Earth Observation Directorate
Reinhard Schulte-Braucks, Head of Space Research and Development, European Commission
Geoff Sawyer, Secretary General, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies
Stephane Ourevitch, Partner, SpaceTec Partners
Christina Giannopapa, Resident Fellow, European Space Policy Institute
Moderator: Agnieszka Lukaszczyk, European Program Manager, Secure World Foundation

Read the bios of the speakers here.

Please, find below the presentations from the event:

Read the event press release here.

Last updated on December 11, 2017