Near Earth Objects: Media/Risk Communications Working Group
When: Monday, November 14, 2011
to Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Where: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder
On November 14-15, a Near Earth Objects (NEOs): Media/Risk Communications Working Group was held at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The event is co-sponsored by Secure World Foundation and the Association of Space Explorers.
A working group of reporters, media specialists and risk management experts will convene to (1) discuss how best to inform the public of the threat of a Near Earth Object asteroid impact in a way to avoid misinformation; and (2) help provide guidance on the development of an outreach and education plan, one that fosters accurate and timely information about the possible effects of a potentially hazardous NEO.
Output from this working group of experts would be used to help shape a report for the working group dedicated to Near Earth Objects of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) at the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, which will be convened in early February 2012.
This is an invite only event.
Read the Agenda
Read the bios of the experts who participated
Dan Baker, LASP
J. Kelly Beatty, Senior Contributing Editor, SKY & TELESCOPE
Linda Billings, Research Professor, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University
Mark Boslough, Sandia National Laboratory
Alan Boyle, Science Editor, MSNBC
Dave Brody, Executive Producer, Tech Media Network
Nina Burleigh, Writer, Discover Magazine
Dr. Sergio Camacho, Centro Regional de Enseñanza de Ciencia y Tecnología del Espacio para América
Michael Carroll, Artist
Clark Chapman, Sr. Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, Presentation
Paul Chodas, JPL Asteroid Specialist
Stephen Cole, NASA Public Affairs
Leonard David, Secure World Foundation
Daniel Durda, Southwest Research Institute
Steve Heard, Futures Channel
Lindley Johnson, NASA NEO Observations Program
Jeff Kanipe, Science Writer and Editor
Jocelyne Landeau-Constatin, ESOC/ESA Communication Office, Presentation
Tariq Malik, Managing Editor,
Dennis Mileti, Senior Research Scientist, Natural Hazards Center
David Morrison, SETI Institute
Guy Norris, Senior Editor, Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine
Carolyn Collins Petersen, Loch Ness Productions
Mark Peterson, Loch Ness Productions
David P. Ropeik, Consultant in Risk Perception, Risk Communication, and Risk Management, Harvard University
Russell L. Schweickart, Association of Space Explorers/NEO Committee, Presentation
Daniel Scuka, ESOC
Pete Spotts, Reporter, Christian Science Monitor
Ray Williamson, Secure World Foundation
"Examples of the Classification of Science-Based Risk Information to Facilitate Publlc Communication ," Dennis Mileti, Senior Research Scientist, Natural Hazards Center
"The State of Knowledge in the Social Sciences about How to Motivate the Public to Prepare for Disasters," Dennis Mileti, Senior Research Scientist, Natural Hazards Center
"Public Response to Disaster Warnings," Dennis S. Mileti, Senior Research Scientist, Natural Hazards Center
"Public Disaster Warnings," Dennis S.Mileti, Senior Research Scientist, Natural Hazards
Press from the Event
The Sky IS falling. Should We Worry?, David Ropeik, Big Think
Asteroid debate rises to the next level, Alan Boyle, MSNBC
Planetary Defense Plans For Asteroids Form, Guy Norris, Aviation Week