Space Verification: Building Common Understanding

When: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where: Brussels, Belgium

The "Space Verification: Building Common Understanding" workshop aims to identify and explore key topics that need to be agreed upon in order to lay the foundations for future verification norms for outer space that would increase international security and stability. This workshop explores what exactly space verification should encompass and what factors need to be taken into account when assessing how to implement verification methods.

The workshop was held at the CCE, Avenue de la Jouyeuse Entree 17-21, 1010 Brussels.

Event Agenda


Hurdles for Outer Space Verification, LI Hong, China Arms Control and Disarmament Association (CCDA)
Space Verification Workshop Analysis, Colonel Daniel A. Dant. U.S. Department of Defense, Space Policy
Threats Analysis on Space Systems, D. Moura du Mont, EDA
A Preliminary Assessment of the Space Weapons Issue, Xavier Pasco, FRS

Last updated on December 11, 2013